28. Backlinks to this page (连接到这个网页的网页)
Or to Ciro’s other online presences, due to China activity.
For Zhihu backlinks, see: Zhihu questions related to Ciro Santilli (三西猴相关的知乎问题).
For lower profile links, see: https://github.com/cirosantilli/china-dictatorship/wiki
2024-03-25 https://www.reddit.com/r/China_irl/comments/1bn47e5/github_上自带大翻译的那个竟然是100的洋人那么问题来了/ by user steambap, possibly the same as: https://github.com/steambap. Complaining about Non-Chinese people should not interfere in Chinese politics (外国人不应该干预中国政治)
2024-03-21 https://www.reddit.com/r/real_China_irl/comments/1bjvovt/无意间搜出的反华repo_作者还把老中的每条issue标题都大翻译了_墙内的请挂梯子再访问/ "无意间搜出的反华repo 作者还把老中的每条issue标题都大翻译了 (墙内的请挂梯子再访问)" (The author of the anti-China repo I accidentally found also translated the title of every issue written by Lao Zhong (if you are in the wall, please hang up a ladder before visiting))
2023-11-15 https://www.reddit.com/r/github/comments/17vv8kh/whats_the_deal_with_these_repos_that_repeat_on/
2023-10-30 https://www.reddit.com/r/ADVChina/comments/17jz3do/github_history_of_ccp_dictatorship/ "Github: History of CCP Dictatorship" on the ADVChina Reddit
2023-08-23 https://t.me/XueXi_China/65965 by GFWfrog (墙国蛙蛤蛤)'s Telegram reposts anonymous submission of github.com/cirosantilli/china-dictatorship. Let to a bit of traffic: https://github.com/cirosantilli/china-dictatorship/issues/1060
建议群友去声援这个github仓库下的问答,全是粉红在骂库主 https://github.com/cirosantilli/china-dictatorship 注意:一般人推荐使用小号去声援,神风特攻不要命的勇士可考虑直接实名上网,无需身份隔离,光荣就义当烈士后,我们怀念你🙏
It is recommended that the group of friends go to support the Q&A under this github repository, all pink is scolding the repository owner https://github.com/cirosantilli/china-dictatorship Note: Most people recommend using the trumpet to support, and kamikaze special attack can be used by brave warriors. Consider going online directly with your real name, no need for identity isolation, and we will miss you after being honored as a martyr 🙏 -
2023-08: https://onebox.huawei.com, some Huawei (华为, Chinese Qualcomm) product to github.com.
2023-06-04 (Tiananmen Square Protests of 1989 (六四事件) anniversary): https://confluence.inner.youdao.com to GitHub. Youdao is the NetEase (网易, online gaming company) search engine.
2023-04-05 received a "Government-backed attackers may be trying to steal your password" from Google on Android and gmail. Screenshot: https://cybernews.com/news/google-warns-14-000-gmail-users-government-backed-attackers-may-be-trying-to-steal-your-password/ Live: https://myaccount.google.com/stateattackwarning/basic
2023-04 https://km.oa.dragonest.com to https://github.com/cirosantilli/china-dictatorhsip-6. https://global.dragonest.com/ is a mobile gaming company. According to https://global.dragonest.com/Index/newsdetail/id/78.html Tencent (腾讯, Tengxun, WeChat owner) invested in them in 2021. oa.com is a well known Tencent domain, and http://km.oa.com in particular is known to exist, we’ve a had a linkback from: http://km.oa.com/articles/show/329260, so presumably they are instances of a website that Tencent stores under several domains/severs they own.
2023-03: https://bitbucket.org/magnusmanske/reasonator/issues/59/ciros-automation-suite-11-enzip interesting spam. Likely autogenerated? The repository owner (not author) is has the same display name as https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Magnus_Manske
2023-03: 21 unique visits from Toutiao (今日头条, news platform by ByteDance) nativeapp.toutiao.com to github.com/cirosantilli/china-dictatorship. Immediately censored no doubt.
2022-12-06 comment on https://www.reddit.com/r/real_China_irl/comments/ze5wcd/github也在墙外了/ has GitHub been blocked by the Great Firewall (GFW, 防火长城)
2022-10-09 https://forums.hardwarezone.com.sg/threads/will-u-date-a-girl-who-lying-flat.6820106/#post-144205474
2022-08-01 https://archive.ph/wip/W9Wip https://boards.4channel.org/g/thread/87957634/this-is-it-the-culmination-of-their-grand-plan-to#p87957634
2022-07-20 https://support.github.com to Politics should not be posted in technical websites such as GitHub or Stack Overflow 不应该在技术网站例如Stack Overflow和GitHub讨论政治. GitHub is on Ciro’s side.
2022-05 bytedance.feishu.cn 3 people to repo https://github.com/cirosantilli/china-dictatorship
2022-06-03 8 links from bytedance.feishu.cn to https://cirosantilli.com/cirosantilli Perhaps interested in Ciro’s recent clear disclosure that he was in Cambridge in 2017? Two of them have identifiers:
2022-04-29 https://www.reddit.com/r/ADVChina/comments/uepsnh/found_this_on_github_a_repository_that_seems_to/ Found this on Github, a repository that seems to be run by Chinese human rights dissidents. Lots of CCP FAQ, news, and other useful information.
2022-03-14 zhttps://91ai.net/thread-983734-1-1.html from Zhao Heming (召赫名)
2022-03-12 https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=30649938 a failed Y combinator attempt. Sad. Maybe https://github.com/sturza
2022-02 https://urlsec.qq.com/check.html from QQ to https://github.com/cirosantilli/cirosantilli "网站安全检查" (Website safety check) from https://urlsec.qq.com/check.html?url=https%3A%2F%2Fgithub.com%2Fcirosantilli%2Fchina-dictatorship says "暂未发现风险" (No risks discovered at present) as of 2022-03-04, so all good.
2022-01-31 https://gall.dcinside.com/mgallery/board/view/?id=aoegame&no=20186832 Korean forum originally about photography: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/DC_Inside Wrongly suggests that this repository is made by Chinese/Taiwanese people: Is Ciro Santilli Chinese? (三西猴是中国人吗?) but no patience to create an account there now
2022-01-15 https://web.archive.org/web/20220120082147/https://wirechan.org/b/ | https://archive.ph/BkjAj in an independent and not very popular Chan, the post basically quotes https://meta.stackoverflow.com/questions/267715/is-stack-overflow-accessible-in-china/288497#288497
mood: being so autistic that you single-handedly managed to get StackOverflow blocked in China by posting Xi Jinping Winnie the Pooh memes
Ciro also has a very interesting website, with many articles arranged in a tree.
Yes, go ourbigbook.com, go. Then links to https://cirosantilli.com/ascii-porn, which is one of the major Google hits of the website at the time, and presumably how OP learned about Ciro.
The other reply was:
Wow, that website really is something. But I like Ciro Santilli’s advice on how to learn programming.
referring to: https://cirosantilli.com/how-to-become-a-good-programmer
2022-01-14 https://mg.h6ee.com to cirosantilli.com/china-dictatorship redirects to a Chinese login page http://mg.h6ee.com/admin/public/login.html with no affiliation. Suspicious stuff. Debug thingy at the bottom shows some internals, e.g. SQL query doing
SHOW COLUMNS FROM cmf_hook_plugin
. -
2021-12-22 https://cirosantilli-realworld-next.herokuapp.com/ https://archive.ph/wip/EVcUw added two messages "这个网站也是王八操的搞得,操你妈得大傻逼。狗腿子汉奸孤儿" and "访问太频繁服务器受不了啦🏦,请使用微信搜索「沙雕APP」使用小程序体验,没有访问限制" That website has no signup verification mechanism, users can just spam it at will. Would be good to log some IPs to start with. Can’t store in a database because we are capped at 10k DB rows on the free plan.
2021-12-21 https://codeforces.com/blog/entry/98165?locale=en a Russian online judge: "BTW, I’m not sure if these two things are related, but HDU’s online judge system(http://acm.hdu.edu.cn) was shut down in last week. The site administrator said the reason for the shutdown was that a user’s username violated Chinese law…" to which "TwentyOneHundredOrBust" replied "this sounds like a job for ciro santilli"
2021 https://hub.xn—p8jhe.tw/search to https://github.com/cirosantilli/cirosantilli which redirects to https://www.library.ac.cn/ip.html?=iwikie "Your IP is not allowed to visit this site. This site is only available in Mainland China." which is a mirror list as mentioned at Google mirrors (谷歌镜像). Other similar links from other times: おうか
2022-03: http://hub.xn—gzu630h.xn—kpry57d.com/search Nowadays, putting it in Chromium redirects to hub.連接.台灣/search where 連接 is "link, hyperlink" and Taiwan (Republic of China, 台湾, 中華民國). So we understand that the weird URLs are just a way to encode Chinese characters on URLs. https://stackoverflow.com/questions/9724379/xn-on-domain-what-it-means explains
2021-11-14 https://www.chinesehongker.com/forum.php?mod=viewthread&tid=14153&extra=page%3D1&ordertype=1&mobile=2 Appears not visible outsie of China. From Google cache (archive). Title: 对于github上的非法项目,如何合理的消灭 Content: https://github.com/cirosantilli 今天无意间搜到一个湾毒的github,有哪位大佬可以解决该问题吗 Just your usual Keyword attack profiles disturb me (关键字攻击个人资料页打扰我) wumao bullshit. Edit: found viewable version at: https://www.chinesehongker.com/forum.php?mod=viewthread&tid=14153 The forum claims to be part of the Honker Union hacktivist group, bring it on:
2021-11-07 https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=29149054 failed hacker news thread. By https://afshin.io/ Afshin Mehrabani, originally from Iran (伊朗), and then moved to Dublin.
2021-11-01 https://boards.4chan.org/pol/thread/345613074 (archive). Small thread, starts talking about r/GenZedong, and then someone mentions:
Found this massive anti-china github page the other day, it’s huge. There did seem to be some stuff in there that seemed kind of sjw-ish a bit, can’t remember what https://github.com/cirosantilli/china-dictatorship
and someone replies:
i became blind by how hard this shit glows
2021-10-21 https://www.reddit.com/r/GenZedong/comments/qcyocd/the_lengths_these_fucking_people_go_to/ from r/GenZedong
2021-10-13 https://www.reddit.com/r/chonglangTV/comments/q7am6x/github这个仓库issue_岁静码农粉蛆暴跳如雷全被翻译成英文_效果好到爆 from r/chonglangTV Reddit sub
2021-10 13 https://www.reddit.com/r/saraba2nd/comments/q7bwgc/素材库_这个repo的节目效果不错/ (source material: this repo’s shows good results). Thanks.
2021-08 https://www.reddit.com/r/DoubanGoosegroup/comments/pkjyzm/有没有学理科会备份的鹅_感觉很多组都要殉我们要不要弄个github把热贴备份出来/ TODO understand
2021-07-15 https://weibo.com/3009149283/KoREYEIA2?type=comment#_rnd1629010985150 on Weibo (新浪微博) #反华 挂一个垃圾仓库 cirosantilli/china-dictatorship (#anti-china Found a trash repository.) Does not understand the CCP != China: Does Ciro Santilli hate China? (三西猴讨厌中国吗?). Perhaps this is what triggered Ciro Santilli’s Weibo block (三西猴被微博屏蔽).
2021-08-13 https://www.kdocs.cn/ to https://github.com/cirosantilli/cirosantilli. That’s a Google Docs clone it seems. Used by the Chengdu (成都市) government. Chinese name: 金山文档 (golden mountain documents). Also had 50 unique cloners on 11 and 12th. Is it GitHub gov-takedowns (由其各自政府在某个国家审查的仓库的GitHub官方列表) time at last??
2021-07-22 http://se.warning.360.cn/warn/ to https://cirosantilli.com/ after adding keywords to page header. This is from Qihoo 360 (奇虎360, Internet security company), a security/spyware company.
2021-07 http://https—github—com—e3919.proxy.xianning.gov.cn/topics/chinese-communist-party, presumably viewing https://github.com/topics/chinese-communist-party. Saw it on Google cache, semi viewable at https://archive.ph/wip/2qVIX, but not rendering very well
In 2022-06, we’ve received a report of https://github—com.proxy.guilin.gov.cn/cirosantilli/china-dictatorship also working: https://github.com/cirosantilli/china-dictatorship/pull/835. It appears that those links are actually publicly visible in China then.
2021-05-07 https://twitter.com/dingyi/status/1390861129191071754 (archive) link to github.com/china-dictatorship commenting "Github 竟然还有这种项目。。。" (I’m surprised that there’s still this kind of project on GitHub). Account had 150k followers at the time. What do they do to have so many followers? As of 2021-05-14, three days later after Ciro replied on 2021-05-11, the account had been made protected: https://archive.ph/davkj This is the Chilling effect (寒蝉效应), self-censor or perish. It was later un-protected. https://newsletter.dex.group/about/ says their DEX is a sort of online magazine. GitHub profile: https://github.com/dingyi
2021-04-16 https://manti.netease.com/ from NetEase (网易, online gaming company) to https://cirosantilli.com/china-dictatorship can’t find any information on it.
2021-03-08 https://us3124.scholar.eu.org to GitHub repo. Redirects to: https://www.library.ac.cn/ip.html?f=us3124 which is a 403 "Your IP is not allowed to visit this site. This site is only available in Mainland China." The about of the blog leads to another domain: https://www.virtual.hk/author/ircli but both seem to be mirrors. The website is a Wordpress which contain images of certain plants under a microscope, and "ircli" is the author’s username.
2021-02-21 and 2020-02-22: https://developer.aliyun.com/ to https://cirosantilli.com and https://cirosantilli.com/china-dictatorship The china-dictatorship landing pages had tracking queries leaked:
. The source domain is visible publicly and entitled 开发者社区 (Developer community) for Aliyun. Who knows, maybe Jack Ma’s people are starting a full out revolt after he was put in jail! :) These tracking queries are added to every single one of their links, including outlinks, as can be seen at: https://developer.aliyun.com/article/616542 for example. Edit: noticed https://developer.aliyun.com/mirror/npm/package/china-dictatorship was removed, so that was it.
2021-02-18 https://cms.securimate.com securimate.com now redirects to https://steeleglobal.com "Your employees and business partners are confronted with ethical decisions every day that impact your company. To create a culture of integrity, you need to empower people to make the right choices. Steele partners with the world’s largest, most respected companies to deliver compliance products and services that help organizations embrace a culture of compliance while protecting their brand." Here we go. Securimate is a Texas-based acquisition apparently: https://www.planetcompliance.com/securimate/ Googling the company for China leads mostly to honorable anti-corruption and export compliance activity e.g. https://steeleglobal.com/managing-third-party-vendors-china/, nothing to do with brand protection of course, who would support a dictatorship to help their brand, right?
2022-05-04 hit to /china-dictatorship/tiananmen.html
2020-09-09 https://www.xataka.com/servicios/github-inesperado-ultimo-reducto-libertad-expresion-gran-firewall-que-pone-jaque-intereses-china "Github, el inesperado último reducto de libertad de expresión ante el 'Gran Firewall' pone en jaque los intereses de China", Spanish for "Github, the unexpected last stronghold of freedom of expression before the 'Great Firewall' puts the interests of China in check" basically talking about Cute cat theory of digital activism (可爱猫理论). Links to https://github.com/cirosantilli/chenmei-caiwei-ziyou under link text "Terminus2049" which is a bit misleading, could be a link mistake, led to 15 unique clicks. Contacted author at: https://twitter.com/cirosantilli/status/1307717620863467522
2020-08-29 https://www.reddit.com/r/saraba2nd/comments/iipjov/github有哪些反共项目/ (Which anti-communist projects are there on GitHub?) GitHub repositories with censored information (政治敏感的GitHub库) of course! User spuspended when thread was found, so couldn’t message them.
2020-08-22: https://www.reddit.com/r/China/comments/ief27w/place_bets_on_how_long_this_repository_will_last/ "Place bets on how long this repository will last. (Oh btw china now has its own git system)" about Gitee
2020-05-23: traffic reached 3k views on that day, compared to a normal 150, but the number of individual users is the same as always. The accessed pages were only meta repo pages like "Issues", "Wiki", "Stargazers" so either of:
someone attempted a baby DDoS with wget and a single IP
someone is scraping repository metadata, e.g. Chinese secret service or some other commercial bot that landed here by chance for the first time
2020-05-09: http://lj.rossia.org/users/perfect_kiss/36513.html Google translated of about in that website: "LJ.Rossia.org (LJR) is a nonprofit project created to support freedom of speech, develop civil society and promote free exchange of views."
2020-04-21: 4 hits from https://raidforums.com/ but can’t locate it, maybe coming from their very fast temporary chat wall
2019-10-31: https://www.linkedin.com/feed/update/urn:li:activity:6595454363743981568/ (archive) "Good rundown of all the major news from China you don’t see. Notice how you don’t see anything about the Hong Kong protests anymore?"
2019-10-12: https://hacpai.com/article/1570686552645 Login required, cowards. Post title: "更新 GitHub 官方 Repo 的人,竟然是个反华分子". Manual page dump after my replies with links to this FAQ: https://ia801505.us.archive.org/27/items/cirosantilli/hacpai_1570686552645.html OP then deleted my comments because they don’t speak English "HacPai 是个文明的社区,不会发生辱骂的现象,你有你的观点,我们有我们的观点。但抱歉,我们的水平有限,没有阅读英文的能力,还请发送有效回复,否则只能折叠处理". It is some developper website: https://hacpai.com/article/1440573175609 (archive) linked to https://github.com/b3log/solo. OP then made an useless post here: https://github.com/cirosantilli/china-dictatorship/issues/70 As of 2019-10-12, I can’t login there anymore, either because the website is shitty, or I was blocked. GitHub login just fails silently, cannot reset password. If blocked, cowards. This led me to update: Ciro Santilli’s reply policy (三西猴的回答政策) with the canned reply.
2019-09-13 https://twitter.com/sang_what/status/1172692888766959619 (archive) https://t.co/qag5ekL12F link:https://www.linkedin.com/pulse/thoughts-github-going-china-kevin-xu/
2019-06: https://gking.harvard.edu/ interesting. OK, likely due to: https://gking.harvard.edu/category/research-interests/applications/information-control-by-authoritarian-governments but no direct links found though.
2019-05: someone used the FAQ to answer a question: https://www.reddit.com/r/worldnews/comments/bt1mth/if_i_disappear_chinese_students_make_farewell/eou5a5q/ | https://web.archive.org/web/20190527072431/https://www.reddit.com/r/worldnews/comments/bt1mth/if_i_disappear_chinese_students_make_farewell/eou5a5q/ "'If I disappear': Chinese students make farewell messages amid crackdowns over labor activism"
2019-04-10: https://twitter.com/jnzst/status/1115824398961913857 gGTYgFulPg
2019-01-10: https://twitter.com/ninoseki/statuses/1083512317952704512 | https://archive.is/vCwep 1300 followers.
2018-08: https://www.reddit.com/r/CCJ2/comments/93klir/moron_tries_to_dismantle_chinese_government_by | https://archive.is/HtYng "moron tries to dismantle chinese government by putting a few moon runes on some websites" Peak of 100 unique visitors/day from the base rate of 5
led to: https://lihkg.com/thread/762440/page/1 LIHKG (連登, Hong Kong Reddit clone) https://archive.is/7REOi "佢個個人home page好多5毛留言, 唔知會唔會搞到block堆stackoverflow"
2018-07: http://4-ch.net/general/kareha.pl/1531480621/l50 | https://web.archive.org/web/20180815081351/http://4-ch.net/general/kareha.pl/1531480621/l50 "No more Xi Jinping"
2018-06: https://medarc.org/pac.txt | https://web.archive.org/web/20180712094944/http://medarc.org/pac.txt puts cirosantilli.com in a blacklist containing the likes of asianpiss.com and clearwisdom.net. Awesome. Then I grepped the main one https://github.com/gfwlist/gfwlist with
while true; do git checkout HEAD~; if ! base64 -d gfwlist.txt | grep -q cirosan; then break; fi; done
and found that I was added in 24a6f6f29e24d1d7eb27946bf51d7a072ddb3e6d Tue Apr 24 2018. That is input data for https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/autoproxy/ which turns on a proxy only for certain websites. Therefore that is a definitive list of interesting stuff. I wonder how it is curated. -
2018-05: a few hits from https://chinadigitaltimes.net from China Digital Times (CDT, 中国数字时代, USA government media) but Google cannot find any links
2018-04-13: traffic peak, but no linkbacks. Many new Chinese followers, but few new stars on this repo, maybe they are afraid to star. I also blocked a user from on GitHub due to impolite post. Also possibly linked to me posting a link to the FAQ more clearly on my home page recently: https://github.com/cirosantilli/cirosantilli.github.io/commit/f31d1651c0e7fef587e5910ff2dc1e2aba9a5763
Someone subscribed me to a hundred GovDelivery mailing lists. This bullshit is also mentioned at: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Talk:GovLoop. This is the URL you can use to subscribe someone to dozens and dozens of emails by clicking checkboxes: https://public.govdelivery.com/accounts/USEERE/subscriber/new without email verification, those idiots. I have to say, this was a good attack. I just mark everything from them as spam nowadays, and only get a few every other month.
2018-03-11: got a large traffic peak (60 vs 10 average), but no linkbacks to match. Likely source: parcerier pinged me at: https://meta.stackoverflow.com/questions/267715/is-stack-overflow-accessible-in-china/267723#comment562812_288497 and I revamped the and FAQ replied with https://meta.stackoverflow.com/questions/267715/is-stack-overflow-accessible-in-china/267723#comment562840_320914 Someone also made: https://archive.is/jcZCA which points to: https://meta.stackoverflow.com/questions/267715/is-stack-overflow-accessible-in-china/267723#comment562810_267723 . This issue was opened that day as well: https://github.com/cirosantilli/china-dictatorship/issues/12
2018-01: https://digitalrepository.unm.edu/cgi/viewcontent.cgi?article=1088&context=cs_etds this site appears on the reference of a PhD thesis paper haha, links to complete-gfw-rulebook-for-wikipedia-v3.0.pdf.
2017-05: https://t.co/AosRq06akz TODO where from. "Measuring Decentralization of Chinese Censorship in Three Industry Segments" by Jeffrey Knockel. Now at Citizenlab: https://www.cs.unm.edu/~jeffk/
2015-09-03: (deleted) http://www.weibo.com/2014703917/Cyc1gFt7A on Weibo (新浪微博) This is the user: http://www.weibo.com/2014703917 There have also been accesses from http://weibo.cn/sinaurl, but I don’t know what that means.
2015-08-03: 21 visitor Facebook peak, can’t find the source
2015-06-20: (deleted) https://www.plurk.com/p/l1jjn4 Archive: https://web.archive.org/web/20150918110032/https://www.plurk.com/p/l1jjn4 "這阿豆阿的名字XDD" by https://www.plurk.com/m/u/cyuanXD
2015-05-30: Zhou Fengsuo (周锋锁) linked to Ciro Santilli (三西猴, anti-CCP fanatic, 反中共狂热, stupid cunt, 傻屄, CIA agent, CIA特工, 肏你妈的)'s stack overflow account!!!
In other sections:
admin.github.com hits listed at: How to report a user on GitHub (GitHub上怎么举报用户?)
LinkedIn profile hits listed at: LinkedIn (领英)