2. Copypasta
Here’s an image/sentence copypasta/summary of key events for the Screen name keyword attack (网名审查关键字攻击).
Another advantage of this is that since it comes first in the repo, it ensures that key elements show up on github.com despite file size cutups: https://github.com/isaacs/github/issues/1610.
Each summary section contains a link to the main section, which contains sources and description of each image.
编程随想 Programthink

社会主义核心价值观 Core socialist values

水浒传 Water margin

我喜欢我的独裁制度 I like my dictatorship

六四事件 Tiananmen square protests 1989

法轮功 Falun Gong 1999 70M believer religion banned

新疆改造中心 Xinjiang re-education camps 2018

小熊维尼 Winnie the Pooh 2018

郝海东 Hao Haidong Chinese soccer superstar turns against the CCP 2020

冠状病毒审查 Censorship of the 2019 Corona Virus

基督迫害 Christian persecution 2018

LGBT权利 The suppression of homosexuality


Gay Putin

The poisoning of Alexei Navalny 2020

Vajiralongkorn Hamtaro