8. Falun Gong (法轮功, Qigong new religion/cult)
Religion created in the '80s by a Chinese dude called Li Hongzhi (李洪志, LHZ, Falun Gong prophet).
With the support of the Communist Party to Qigong movements, it reached 70 million believers in 1999, at which point the commies decided they had to be shut down and banned the religion.
Li fled to the USA and lives near New York, where he continues to run the religion as of 2020.

Less good ones:
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_eiut_qUNBI In Search of Miracle Man by Adult Swim
Why is it important to discus Falun Gong’s even if you don’t believe in it? (为什么不信仰法轮功也很重要要讨论它?)
Does Ciro Santilli believe in or practice Falun Gong? (三西猴信仰或者练法轮功吗?)
How is it like to live with Falun Gong believers? (与法轮功信徒一起生活是一种怎样的体验?)
Falun Gong is completely different in the West than it was in China (法轮功在西方与在中国完全不同)
Falun Gong is illegal in China, we must follow the law (法轮功在中国是非法的,我们必须遵守法律)
Many people both are against both censorship and Falun Gong (我要民主,但是我还要禁止法轮功)
Many people say they do Falun Gong only to get VISAs to the USA (很多人说他们修炼法轮功只是为了拿到美国签证)
I have personally seen people do bad things because of Falun Gong
Falun Gong does not have proof of their persecution claims (法轮功没有被迫害的证据)
People from movement X are only in it for political power (X运动的人只是为了政治权力)
Things Ciro Santilli dislikes about Falun Gong (三西猴不喜欢法轮功的事情)