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反中共政治宣传库。Anti-Chinese government propaganda. 常见问答集,新闻集和饭店和音乐建议。卐习万岁卐。FAQ, news compilation and restaurant and music recommendations. 卐 Heil Xi 卐.
住在中国大陆有真名用户或者用中国邮箱的网友请别给星星,不然你要被警察请喝茶。先注册一个Gmail/Protonmail匿名用户才来,最好也要用VPN/Tor/ShadowSocks. Friends who live in China and have real name on account or who use a Chinese email provider, please don’t star this repo, or else the police might pay you a visit some day. First create an anonymous account with Gmail/Protonmail instead (non Chinese email provider), preferably from behind VPN/Tor/ShadowSocks. 你不是一个人。未来需要隐藏的将是今天的五毛,而不是你。You are not alone. In the future, it is the wumaos who will have to hide, not you. See also: What should pro-democracy Chinese living in China do about the dictatorship? 想要民主住在中国大陆的人应该干什么?.
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- 1. About (关于)
- 2. Copypasta
- 3. Mirrors of this page (此网页的镜像)
- 4. GitHub repositories with censored information (政治敏感的GitHub库)
- 5. FAQ (常见问答集)
- 6. Anti-CCP information sources (反中共信息来源)
- 7. Separatism (分离主义, Taiwan 台湾, Xinjiang 新疆, Hong Kong 香港)
- 8. Falun Gong (法轮功, Qigong new religion/cult)
- 9. Christianity (基督教)
- 10. Kaifeng Jews (开封犹太人)
- 11. Gay rights (LGBT权利)
- 12. Woman’s rights (妇女权利)
- 13. Labour rights (劳工权益)
- 14. Chinese politicians (中国政治家)
- 15. Sport related events (和体育有关的事件)
- 16. News (新闻)
- 17. Tiananmen Square Protests of 1989 (六四事件)
- 18. Dissidents (持不同政见者)
- 19. Media (媒体)
- 20. Videos (视频)
- 21. Funny (搞笑)
- 22. Art (艺术)
- 23. Political essays (政治论文)
- 24. Books (书籍)
- 25. Chinese "Communist" Party (CCP, 中国共产党, 1949-, Cult of Mao/Xi, 毛习邪教, 10.000 year Reich)
- 26. Policies (政策)
- 27. Chinese companies (中国公司)
- 28. Backlinks to this page (连接到这个网页的网页)
- 29. Anti-dictatorship songs (反对独裁的首歌)
- 30. Chinese Music (中国音乐)
- 31. Chinese festivals (中国节日)
- 32. Chinese history (中国历史)
- 33. The best Chinese food (中国最好的食物)
- 34. The best Chinese supermarket food products (中国超市食物)
- 35. The best Chinese restaurants outside of China (中国以外最好的中国饭店)
- 36. The best East Asian museums outside of China (中国以外最好的东亚博物馆)
- 37. Chinese television series (中国电视剧)
- 38. Tips to learn Chinese (学习中文方法建议)
- 39. History of China (中国历史)
- 40. Geography of China (中国地理)
- 41. Chinese languages (汉语)
- 42. Chinese cheatsheet (中文备忘单)
- 43. Military dictatorship in Brazil (巴西军事独裁, 1964-1985)
- 44. India (伊朗)
- 45. Middle East (中东)
- 46. North Korea (朝鲜)
- 47. Russia (俄罗斯)
- 48. Spain (西班牙)
- 49. Thailand (泰国)
- 50. United States (美国)
- 51. Other sections