Jack Ma’s disappearance (马云的失踪, 2021)
Got bitchslapped by Xi Jinping (习近平, 2012-∞, Heil卐!), 3 months disappearance:
2021-02-16 https://web.archive.org/web/20210219160944/https://www.wsj.com/articles/china-blocked-jack-mas-ant-ipo-after-an-investigation-revealed-who-stood-to-gain-11613491292 "China Blocked Jack Ma’s Ant IPO After Investigation Revealed Likely Beneficiaries. Well-connected Chinese power players, including some with links to political families that represent a potential challenge to President Xi". Mentioned specifically are Jiang Zhicheng
Figure 292. Cartoon of Jack Ma, Xi Jinping looks like Winnie-the-Pooh (习近平长得像小熊维尼, 2017) (representing Xi Jinping (习近平, 2012-∞, Heil卐!)) and That Rabbit (那兔) (representing the Chinese people) splitting cookies. Winnie has a huge pile, Jack has a medium pile, and That Rabbit has a tiny pile. Winnie is saying "那个资本家夺走了你的饼干!" (That capitalist stole your cookies!). The cartoon suggests that the Chinese state has a lot of money and power, extremely successful entrepreneurs have a medium power, and the common people, who are manipulated by the CCP, have basically nothing. Source.
Got bitchslapped by Xi Jinping (习近平, 2012-∞, Heil卐!), 3 months disappearance:
2021-02-16 https://web.archive.org/web/20210219160944/https://www.wsj.com/articles/china-blocked-jack-mas-ant-ipo-after-an-investigation-revealed-who-stood-to-gain-11613491292 "China Blocked Jack Ma’s Ant IPO After Investigation Revealed Likely Beneficiaries. Well-connected Chinese power players, including some with links to political families that represent a potential challenge to President Xi". Mentioned specifically are Jiang Zhicheng

Figure 292. Cartoon of Jack Ma, Xi Jinping looks like Winnie-the-Pooh (习近平长得像小熊维尼, 2017) (representing Xi Jinping (习近平, 2012-∞, Heil卐!)) and That Rabbit (那兔) (representing the Chinese people) splitting cookies. Winnie has a huge pile, Jack has a medium pile, and That Rabbit has a tiny pile. Winnie is saying "那个资本家夺走了你的饼干!" (That capitalist stole your cookies!). The cartoon suggests that the Chinese state has a lot of money and power, extremely successful entrepreneurs have a medium power, and the common people, who are manipulated by the CCP, have basically nothing. Source.