5.3.6. As long as China is developing economically, it is fine to violate the human rights of a few million people (只要经济好,我不在乎人权)
This argument can be made, but it is a risky way to live: Most Chinese people don’t care about the minorities (大多数中国人不关心少数民族).
Herman Goring actually justified the atrocities of Nazism in the exact same way during his appearance on the Nuremberg trials.
Do the ends always justify the means?
What is the point of having all that wealth, when you risk being put into jail for unfair reasons?
Ciro Santilli (三西猴, anti-CCP fanatic, 反中共狂热, stupid cunt, 傻屄, CIA agent, CIA特工, 肏你妈的) argues that China would be even richer if it weren’t for the CCP: Why would democracy and freedom of speech make China richer? (为什么民主和言论自由能够让中国变得更加富有?), and that the CCP only violates people’s human rights as a tool to stay in power: Is the Chinese government evil? (中国共产党是邪恶的吗?).
Figure 20. Rebel Pepper (变态辣椒, RFA cartoonist) cartoon about a pig who does not care about politics because it cannot be eaten. 民主又不能当饭吃 Source.
Figure 21. Translation by Ciro Santilli of the Rebel Pepper cartoon about the pig who does not care about politics because it cannot be eaten.
Figure 23. Shut up and take my freedom meme by Ciro Santilli (三西猴, anti-CCP fanatic, 反中共狂热, stupid cunt, 傻屄, CIA agent, CIA特工, 肏你妈的) translated to Chinese: "什么都别说了,拿走我的自由".
This argument can be made, but it is a risky way to live: Most Chinese people don’t care about the minorities (大多数中国人不关心少数民族).
Herman Goring actually justified the atrocities of Nazism in the exact same way during his appearance on the Nuremberg trials.
Do the ends always justify the means?
What is the point of having all that wealth, when you risk being put into jail for unfair reasons?
Ciro Santilli (三西猴, anti-CCP fanatic, 反中共狂热, stupid cunt, 傻屄, CIA agent, CIA特工, 肏你妈的) argues that China would be even richer if it weren’t for the CCP: Why would democracy and freedom of speech make China richer? (为什么民主和言论自由能够让中国变得更加富有?), and that the CCP only violates people’s human rights as a tool to stay in power: Is the Chinese government evil? (中国共产党是邪恶的吗?).