21.1.1. Rebel Pepper (变态辣椒, RFA cartoonist)
Real name: Wang Liming (王立铭)
Personal media:
Without a doubt, the greatest anti-Communist joke cartoonist of the 2010s.
As of 2019 he does work for Radio Free Asia (RFA, 自由亚洲电台, USA government media), so a possible list of all cartoons of this era can be found at: https://www.rfa.org/english/cartoons/story_archive
His best work can be found scattered throughout this document in the relevant sections.
Figure 238. Rebel Pepper’s self portrait as a perverted pepper (the literal translation of his Chinese name "变态辣椒") used in his Sina and Tencent (腾讯, Tengxun, WeChat owner) accounts before those got deleted according to the BBC. Source.
Real name: Wang Liming (王立铭)
Personal media:
Without a doubt, the greatest anti-Communist joke cartoonist of the 2010s.
As of 2019 he does work for Radio Free Asia (RFA, 自由亚洲电台, USA government media), so a possible list of all cartoons of this era can be found at: https://www.rfa.org/english/cartoons/story_archive
His best work can be found scattered throughout this document in the relevant sections.

Figure 238. Rebel Pepper’s self portrait as a perverted pepper (the literal translation of his Chinese name "变态辣椒") used in his Sina and Tencent (腾讯, Tengxun, WeChat owner) accounts before those got deleted according to the BBC. Source.