26.10.2. Rule of law (法治)
The commies keep saying over and over that rule of law is always observed.
Of course, some times shitty laws are passed, and we must fight those as well: Falun Gong is illegal in China, we must follow the law (法轮功在中国是非法的,我们必须遵守法律).
But many times, the commies don’t even bother setting up a bad law, they just fuck a million people and that’s it.
But in reality they punish anyone who poses a political threat, even if they did nothing wrong themselves, some cases that come to mind:
Xinjiang (新疆): millions were jailed/forced to live with a spy in their homes, even though they were not terrorists themselves
Falun Gong (法轮功, Qigong new religion/cult): what did they do wrong to other people that deserves putting them in jail? Is Falun Gong believers are less likely to take necessary medication (法轮功信徒不太可能服用必要的药物) enough to justify that? Are you sure that it is not a political motivation?
709 crackdown (2015, 中國709維權律師大抓捕事件): even lawyers who support anyone who went against the state are imprisoned. How can there be any justice when lawyers are put in jail due to their choice of clients?
2020-06 Hao Runze, son of Hao Haidong (郝海东, 2020, soccer player), lost his job because his father spoke up against the CCP. Did the CCP speak up for him, like they speak up whenever a Chinese citizen gets hurt?
Notably, they punish people for their general beliefs rather than specific actions:
People asking for it:
Figure 279. On 2021-03-31, a uniformed Chinese cop called Qelbinur Sedik, who was a teacher in the Xinjiang "re-education" camps (新疆再教育營, 2017-) who fled China and spoke to the media what she saw, to menace her through her sister, who is still in China. When he noticed that she had taken a screenshot due to a screenshot sound, he immediately took off the uniform. Source.
Figure 280. "Whatever you do, don’t" spoof poster by Scarfolk Council (2013). This applies perfectly to Stack Overflow mods refuse to clarify if anti-CCP imagery is allowed or not (2021) Was actually given in the answer by Journeyman Geek’s answer, and was the first time Ciro saw Scarfolk. so kudos for that. Source.
The commies keep saying over and over that rule of law is always observed.
Of course, some times shitty laws are passed, and we must fight those as well: Falun Gong is illegal in China, we must follow the law (法轮功在中国是非法的,我们必须遵守法律).
But many times, the commies don’t even bother setting up a bad law, they just fuck a million people and that’s it.
But in reality they punish anyone who poses a political threat, even if they did nothing wrong themselves, some cases that come to mind:
Xinjiang (新疆): millions were jailed/forced to live with a spy in their homes, even though they were not terrorists themselves
Falun Gong (法轮功, Qigong new religion/cult): what did they do wrong to other people that deserves putting them in jail? Is Falun Gong believers are less likely to take necessary medication (法轮功信徒不太可能服用必要的药物) enough to justify that? Are you sure that it is not a political motivation?
709 crackdown (2015, 中國709維權律師大抓捕事件): even lawyers who support anyone who went against the state are imprisoned. How can there be any justice when lawyers are put in jail due to their choice of clients?
2020-06 Hao Runze, son of Hao Haidong (郝海东, 2020, soccer player), lost his job because his father spoke up against the CCP. Did the CCP speak up for him, like they speak up whenever a Chinese citizen gets hurt?
Notably, they punish people for their general beliefs rather than specific actions:
People asking for it: