17. Tiananmen Square Protests of 1989 (六四事件)
Master issue with reuploads of everything: https://github.com/cirosantilli/china-dictatorship/issues/225
Good photo selections:
2014 https://www.theatlantic.com/photo/2014/06/1989-tiananmen-square-protests-photos/100751/ "Photos: The 1989 Tiananmen Square Protests". This is one of Ciro’s favorite photo selections.
2014 http://www.ursulagauthier.fr/tiananmen-15-minutes-dapocalypse/ (archive) a few gory photos
2015 https://allthatsinteresting.com/tiananmen-square-massacre "The Hidden History Of The Tiananmen Square Massacre"
2019 https://www.buzzfeednews.com/article/gabrielsanchez/pictures-tiananmen-square-anniversary "These Horrifying Pictures Show The Tiananmen Square Protests Like You’ve Never Seen Them"
2019 https://wtop.com/media-galleries/2019/05/30-years-ago-tiananmen-square-protests/
2020 https://nsfw.xxx/post/tiananmen-square-masacre-photos-3394466?page=1 has some decent gore. Original post: https://www.reddit.com/r/MorbidReality/comments/h828c1/tiananmen_square_masacre_photos/
2021 https://www.magnumphotos.com/newsroom/the-making-of-icons/ by Stuart Franklin himself
AP footage is pretty good, just do a search on the archive:
Soldiers who spoke up:
Zhang Shijun (张世军) is perhaps the most notable soldier who spoke up:
2018-06-04 RFA interview
2009-03 published an open letter
https://chinadigitaltimes.net/2009/03/china-detains-writer-of-critical-web-letter-to-hu/ by China Digital Times (CDT, 中国数字时代, USA government media)
https://www.theguardian.com/world/2009/mar/20/tiananmen-square-china-zhang-shijun "Zhang Shijun taken from home in middle of the night after publishing open letter to Chinese president Hu Jintao"
Li Xiaoming
Other interesting links:
https://www.rfa.org/mandarin/june4_poetry Chinese poetry anthology about Tiananmen collected by Radio Free Asia (RFA, 自由亚洲电台, USA government media)
https://chinatimeline.github.io/tiananmen/ from chinatimeline (中国时间线)
Oppose violence!保障人权!
Guarantee human rights!爱国无罪!
Patriotism is not a crime!暴行可耻!
Brutality is shameful!言论自由!
Freedom of speech!解除报禁!
Abolish censorship!耀邦不朽!
Yaobang lives on!
Transcripted at: http://www.tsquare.tv/chinese/film/ghp02.html

Transcript at http://www.tsquare.tv/chinese/film/ghp06.html:
男子: 解放军官兵们,我请求你们,我作为一个学生代表请求你们:拿出你们的正义和勇气,作一个人民的军队、人民的子弟兵,而不要为一小撮人所左右,作一小撮人的狗腿,作中华民族的罪人!
Man: PLA officers and soldiers, I beg you, and as a student representative, I beg you: show your justice and courage, and be a people’s army and soldiers of the people’s sons and brothers [the students protesting], instead of being dominated by a small group of people, being the henchman of a small group, becoming criminals of the Chinese nation!妇女: 你们知道吗?!我们在做什么你们知道吗?!解放军兄弟,你们是保护人民、保护学生的,你们不能来镇压他们,你们不能这样,不能这样!
Woman: Do you know?! What are we doing you know?! Brothers in the People’s Liberation Army, you protect the people and students, you can’t come to suppress them, you can’t do this, you can’t do this!

This is the blood of a classmate, I am not hurt. When I was carrying my classmate, the back of the classmate’s neck was full of hot blood, and I couldn’t stop it. I didn’t stop it with two towels. There was blood in his mouth and blood all over his face.